Charitable Purposes, Demonstrable Benefit and the Role of the Charity Commission: The Fourth Pemsel Head Recast
The statutory overhaul of the law of charity has brought with it challenging problems of interpretation and operation. This is particularly so in the outlying territory formerly occupied by ‘fourth head’ purposes.
Such difficulties have concerned whether an organisation is inherently charitable and whether it is in the public benefit. A series of decisions of the First-tier Tribunal (Charity) serve to spotlight the cautious reasoning of the Charity Commission and the fault lines in its regulatory guidance.
This session will consider the elusive concept of a charitable purpose from the perspective of what was the fourth Pemsel head of charity.
Dr Lara McMurtry, Keele University
Tuesday 7th December
Please note this event will take place online via zoom.
Please register your attendance.
This will involve a short presentation of the issues followed by moderated Q & A discussion.
The work of CLPU is kindly supported by Brabners LLP Solicitors.