15th Biennial Australian and New Zealand Third Sector Research Conference

The Voice and Contribution of the Third sector in Australia and New Zealand: Contemporary Achievements and Challenges in Creating Public Good

Thursday 17th November – Saturday 19th November 2022

The University of Western Australia, Perth

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ANZTSR (Australian & New Zealand Third Sector Research) invites you to participate in the 15th Biennial Australian and New Zealand Third Sector Research Conference on 17-19th November 2022 at the University of Western Australia in Perth, WA.

This is a critical time for the survival and sustainable capacity of charities, grassroots organisations, not-for-profits, NGOs, and civil society organisations, what we call the Third Sector. It is a time of great social and economic upheaval in which the role of the third sector in pursuing the public good is vital. This conference will provide an opportunity to hear about and report upon the work that organisations are doing on the frontline of service provision from the grassroots to the national and international levels. We will hear from those with lived experience, scholars and practitioners and discuss how they are operating in a constrained advocacy environment; how important they are for democracy and how resources are being allocated and fought for within the many objectives of the lively and important third sector in Australia and New Zealand. The conference seeks to tease out what is unique about the ways the third sector pursues public good. We look forward to your contribution and your company.

The Program

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