What is ANZTSR?

    Established in 1992, The Australian and  New Zealand Third Sector Research Inc is a network of scholars and practitioners whose research focus is the not-for-profit sector. This sector is widely acknowledged as playing a significant role in Australian society.

    The first charity (the Benevolent society) was established twenty-five years after white settlement. In economic terms the sector contributes a approximately eight per cent to Australia’s GDP. It employs 1.3 million people and volunteers pre pandemic contributed 22.2 million hours per week. The sector provides services from the cradle to the grave.

    ANZTSR is at the forefront of advancing knowledge about the third sector as it supports, encourages and disseminates research from scholars and practitioner researchers in Australia and New Zealand. Membership in ANZTSR is the best way for researchers and practitioners to keep abreast of changes and participate in a dialogue with others with similar and complementary interests.

    ANZTSR is not only an indispensable professional asset for scholars and practitioner researchers – it also promotes positive social change through the exchange of ideas and through associational solidarity.

    Your membership is vital to the continuing growth of Third Sector research.

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